

The Brunstad Christian Church (BCC) Pentecost
Conference held in June 2022, could be aptly described as the “Conference of
Light” for the 6 000 BCC members who were at Brunstad, in Norway, as well
as the members from BCC congregations around the world who watched via

In one of his messages during the three-day conference, Kåre J Smith, the leader of BCC said the gospel is a light that shines in a dark place, people read about it, however, the promises in God’s Word have to become reality, real experiences in their lives. Smith went on to encourage believers not to give up, as this takes time, but to press into God’s prophetic Word until the “Morning Star” (Jesus Christ) rises in their hearts and a living faith is born. Then the light they received from the gospel becomes a life that shines from them, just as Jesus is the Light of Life!

The program of the mission event held on the Saturday night of the conference, titled “Life is the Light of Men”, was a collaboration between two congregations, Horton in Norway and Vanderbijlpark in South Africa.  The mission collection drive leading up to the conference was for the furtherance of missionary work in Africa and at the event Kåre Smith thanked BCC congregations from around the world for their extraordinary and generous support, saying: “It is truly Africa’s time!”

This event shed light on all the work already taking place in Africa.  One of the most important aspects that became apparent through the short films and video interviews shown about this missionary work, was that the traditional concept of who or what a missionary is, was turned on its head.  Tielman Slabbert, leader of BCC in South Africa, explained that for those involved in this work, the words of the apostle Paul in one of the letters he wrote to Timothy in the New Testament of the Bible, is the key to being a true missionary: “Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine and persevere in it. In doing so you will save yourself and those who hear you.” 1 Timothy 4:16.  Those who do this are true missionaries because they are putting the gospel into practice in everyday life for those around them to experience, and there is nothing more life changing than living proof that the gospel transforms people.

The event ended with the choir from Africa storming the stage singing the exhilarating song “Simunye” meaning “We are One” and soon everybody in the conference hall were on their feet singing as one. During the mission collection drive, this song “Simunye” went viral and was on the lips of BCC members around the world!

Because the mission collection was for Africa and due to the collaboration between Horten in Norway and Vanderbijlpark in South Africa, several BCC members from various African fellowships attended the Pentecost Conference, and a number of them went to Horten and visited some of the places of interest in Horten relating to the early days of the church, where J O Smith (founding father of BCC) lived; and to the cemetery where he was buried.  


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