Home EVENTS A New Time for Lilongwe!

A New Time for Lilongwe!

A New Time for Lilongwe!


The 20th of November 2022 marked the beginning of a new time for the members of the Brunstad Christian Church (BCC) fellowship in Lilongwe, Malawi.  The opening ceremony for the new church centre was held on that day, and what a joyous occasion it was!  Attended by 110 people which included several guests from BCC South Africa and members from the Mulanje fellowship – the sense of thankfulness and gratitude at the ceremony was almost tangible.

This fellowship has come a long way since its early beginnings in 2011, when members gathered in various makeshift venues to hold church services. Finally, the building of the church centre began in January 2022 and within ten months it was completed. “Looking Ahead in Lilongwe” and “Plans Become Reality in Lilongwe”.  Having a proper place to hold church services, Sunday School and youth camps, and other church activities will make a significant difference to the small but growing fellowship.

In his opening message Tielman Slabbert (leader of BCC South Africa) quoted from Jesus’ prayer to God the Father in Matt 6: 6 – 10: “Let Your kingdom come. Let Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”  He explained that with the completion of the physical building, the real work begins and that is to establish God’s Kingdom in the hearts of all those who gather to hear God’s Word. This can only be done when His Word is earnestly put into practice in daily life. Slabbert went on to say: “Then it becomes ‘heavenly’ among us, and all the other things also fall into place and the Father gives us our daily bread, as Jesus promised in Matt 6:33.”


Beauty Mkundika:

“I am convinced that God’s Kingdom is not the building, but in my own heart. I want to keep to God’s Word and seek Him with all my heart.”

Robert Phiri:

“I thank and praise God for the clear message from Tielman Slabbert.  Now we have a church centre where we can meet and have fellowship and I want to take this opportunity to learn from the messages we hear and grow spiritually.”

Eleazar Mkundika:

“Praise be to God for the church centre and the access we now have to BrunstadTV and all the edifying programs and conferences we can watch and where we hear the true Word of God preached so that His Kingdom can be established in our hearts, young and old.”


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