Home EVENTS “Bible Kids” Have Fun! – Brunstad Christian Church in Africa

“Bible Kids” Have Fun! – Brunstad Christian Church in Africa

“Bible Kids” Have Fun! – Brunstad Christian Church in Africa



“I also want to listen to God as Abraham did, then as God promised in the Bible, I will have a happy life.” These were the words of faith expressed by one of the children who participated in the Bible Kids Weekend in October 2022.

Bible Kids Weekends are held quarterly by Brunstad Christian Church (BCC) fellowships worldwide.  These exciting, interactive weekends are planned to capture the children’s imagination using technology and games that they can relate to.  The focus of the weekends is on the “Bible Explorers” TV/computer game, aimed at children from 6 to 11 years of age. The game was made by BCC to teach children about the Bible while having fun. It enables them to explore Bible stories in an innovative and interactive way through the use of films and virtual and physical tasks.  By simplifying the messages in the stories and “bringing the heroes of the Bible to life”, the children begin to understand that God’s Word is also applicable to them and is there to help and guide them in their daily lives.

In addition to the “Bible Explorers” game and related activities, each fellowship organised their own local activities for the weekend and several of the BCC churches and fellowships in Africa reported back on what the Bible Kids Weekend meant to the children.

Kisumu, Kenya:

The main activity was “Bible Explorers” and the activities and tasks that centred around the game. The 20 children who participated, also enjoyed the karaoke and refreshments that were organised for them.

Joe Omondi (6):

“I like the films that we watched during the ‘Bible Explorers’ session. I also liked the food and snacks we had.”

Noel Chriphil (9):

“I liked how we got to talk to Iris [a character in Bible Explorers] during the session. From this session I learned that I should have faith in God. I also enjoyed the songs that we sang on the karaoke and ‘Pure Heart’ was my favourite song”.

Jannie (8):

“I liked the games that were played on the computer during the ‘Bible Explorers’ session.”

Bafoussam, Cameroon:

Mentors put a lot of effort into making it a good weekend for the 26 participating children.  They took part in the “Bible Explorers” activities, some of which were online and others outside, such as the obstacle course and colour games; they also watched the edifying films about Abraham.  The mentors explained the theme of the game – to have faith in God – and encouraged the children to believe and learn to trust in God from an early age, as they can also be heroes of faith!


As well as participating in the “Bible Explorers” session and activities, the nine children who took part were also taken on an outing to a local park where they enjoyed various rides and activities.

The Bible story about Abraham made a big impression on them and several of them said they wanted to have faith in God like Abraham.


The 20 children who participated enjoyed playing the “Bible Explorer” game and doing the related activities and they had also had fun singing and dancing. They learned about having faith in God.

Hellen Gidion:

I am so thankful for this weekend; I liked playing the ‘Bible Explorer’ game and learned about how to walk in faith and listen to God only, like Abraham did.”

Manase Ezekiel:

“The program was good, and I liked the film we watched about Abraham. I also want to be a good child who listens to God.”

South Africa:

The Bible Kids Weekend kicked off with a lunchtime family picnic on the Saturday and there was a variety of in- and outdoor activities for children of all ages to participate in.  In the evening the “Sing our Songs” (SOS) concert was held.  SOS is a BCC project aimed at teaching the Sunday School children the spiritual songs especially written for them.  The intention is that the edifying words that enter their minds from a young age, will remain with them throughout their lives and help to strengthen them when they are faced with difficult choices in their lives.  It was clear to see how much the children enjoyed participating in the concert – their smiles and actions said it all!

On the Sunday the focus was on the “Bible Explorers” game and all the related activities for the children between 6 and 11 years of age.  There was also a Juniors Corner to keep the 1 to 5 year olds busy with all sorts of fun games and activities such as a treasure hunt, horse riding, decorating cookies and so on.

Fabian Fourie (10):

“I enjoyed the hula hoop game. At ‘Bible Explorers’ I learned about how Abraham, a hero in the Bible, was willing to sacrifice his only son for God.  I am very thankful that I could be part of the ‘Sing our Songs’ concert and for the sweeties we got afterwards!”

William Harmse (7):

“I really liked watching the films about Abraham and doing the tasks. I also enjoyed the lunch and sweets.”

Aiden Terblanche:

“Abraham was a very good person, and he could do anything with God on his side.  We had fun and learnt about Jesus. From the story I learned that I should follow Jesus for life.  I really enjoyed the blindfold obstacle course and the pool balls.”

Nadine de Wet (9):

I really enjoyed singing in the ‘Sing our Songs’ concert.

“In the story about Abraham, God told him to move and because he was obedient, he received what God promised – he believed God and was always happy when he did God’s will.  I also want to listen to God as Abraham did, then as God promised in the Bible, I will have a happy life!”



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