Home NEWS Pastor Syl Jammeh Calls for Calm In Gambia In Wake Of Attacks On The Church

Pastor Syl Jammeh Calls for Calm In Gambia In Wake Of Attacks On The Church

Pastor Syl Jammeh Calls for Calm In Gambia In Wake Of Attacks On The Church

I continue to call upon the Christian young people to exercise restraint. We are aware of the provocative Friday sermons making rounds on social media in the midst of the recent cases of attack on the Church.

We must all navigate the waves of attack on the Church with the supreme wisdom of Yahweh. Stay courageous, calm and collected. Everything is working together for the good of God’s kingdom agenda.

Conflict is natural, normal and neutral. It takes the reactions of the rational being to determine what direction things flow on the positive – negative continuum. We make a conscious decision to navigate the way of peace.

Truly there is systematic discrimination and persecution of Christians in the Gambia (I mean through the government system) for example

* The president in good faith promised to build 60 mosque but did not remember to build Churches in a secular country. I hope he will build some soon.

* Ministry of education recruites and force Islamic teachers in schools throughout the country ( public, private and Christian mission schools) but that drive is absent for Christian religious education

* Government allows the building of mosques in all public institutions including the state house but no Chapels for Christian prayers

* A police officer shut down the Church at Talinding for 2 weeks but allowed the mosque to continue operations

* The government has allowed the embargo on Church registration to still exist but mosques can start anywhere without registration

* Church attack cases reported at police stations are not given the due attention and follow up

* Christian’s are denied opportunities in public institutions

* Our Christian ladies are forced to wear veils against their will in government schools. Free will is a gift from God. Our girls have no choice in the public schools


However all these point to the fulfillment of the words of Jesus Christ. He said “In this world you will have tribulations but be of good cheer because I have overcome the world ” So take note that you are standing on a platform of victory already – you are not seeking for victory. So be still and know that Yahweh has not gone on vacation.

We want to register our appreciation to the Gambians who are making statements to highlight the ills in the country and encourage the Christian community to remain steadfast in their virtuous pursuits.

We call upon the elders and the leaders to do the needful in maintaining the integrity of the moral underpinnings of the smiling coast of west Africa. Leaders must act now before things degenerate into unpleasant situations.



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