Home NEWS Parents called upon to create ample time for their children at a workshop for young adults in Binga – Catholic Church News

Parents called upon to create ample time for their children at a workshop for young adults in Binga – Catholic Church News

Parents called upon to create ample time for their children at a workshop for young adults in Binga – Catholic Church News


By Quegas Mutale in Hwange

Fr. Brillie Tshuma delivering a lesson on challenges faced by the family at Tusimpe Pastoral Centre in Binga.

During the congress of young Adults Association held at Tusimpe Pastoral Centre in Binga from 13 to 16 April 2023, Fr. Brillie Tshuma reflected on the challenges facing the modern family in the contemporary world. The congress was running under the theme: “Christ our hope: A synodal journey towards a self-reliant Church.”

Fr. Tshuma urged participants to live an exemplary life for the benefit of their children. He encouraged families to avoid peer pressure, live within their means and have open communication with their children.

He said the Catholic family must be guided by the provisions of the Canon law on marriage. He cited Canon 226 which stipulates that, “those who are married are bound by the special obligation, in accordance with their own vocation, to strive for the building up of the people of God through their marriage and family.” This provision of the Canon law propagates the importance and recognition of a family institution in the Church.

Fr. Tshuma also said: “Where there is a right there is an obligation,” and encouraged the Catholic young adults to read the catholic teachings on marriage and family.

Fr. Tshuma encouraged the young adults not to be harsh on their children but to listen to them and have open communication with them. He urged the participants to provide their children with resources that they need and encourage them to associate with good friends.

He challenged those present to effectively contribute towards healthy families and transform society trough their actions. Fr. Tshuma encouraged parents to create ample time for their children and to offer companionship for them, providing guidance and direction though their experience. He stressed that bad behavior sometimes is a result of lack of parental guidance and peer pressure. According to the priest, the prevalence of drug and substance abuse cannot only be blamed on young people but also on those parents who neglect their children in many ways.

The priest also castigated the marriage of convenience syndrome which he said has destroyed many families in the world and called on young adults to take their marriage seriously. He encouraged families to be steadfast in prayer pointing out that prayer is the pillar of family life.


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