Home EVENTS ➗ Who’s In? Who’s Out? The Latest On The Baptist And Methodist Doctrinal Divides 🔌

➗ Who’s In? Who’s Out? The Latest On The Baptist And Methodist Doctrinal Divides 🔌

➗ Who’s In? Who’s Out? The Latest On The Baptist And Methodist Doctrinal Divides 🔌


Editor’s note: Every Friday, “Weekend Plug-in” features analysis, fact checking and top headlines from the world of faith. Subscribe now to get this newsletter delivered straight to your inbox. Got feedback or ideas? Email Bobby Ross Jr. at therossnews@gmail.com.

(ANALYSIS) Good morning, Weekend Plug-in readers!

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Among the week’s late-developing headlines: Influential pastor Tim Keller, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2020, has been placed on hospice care, as Religion News Service’s Bob Smietana reports.

On a happier note, “The Chosen” — the popular TV show about Jesus and his disciples — seems to be influencing baby names, as the Deseret News’ Mya Jaradat explains.

Our big story this week concerns doctrinal battles by the Southern Baptists, not all of them in the South, and the United Methodists, who are not so united these days.

What To Know: The Big Story

Back in the saddle?: Last year, the Southern Baptist Convention kicked out Saddleback Church, founded by Rick Warren, for appointing women as pastors.

Now Saddleback is appealing that decision, asking messengers to the SBC’s annual meeting in New Orleans next month to reverse it.

“The appeal extends the standoff between the nation’s largest Protestant denomination and one of its largest, most successful churches,” The Associated Press’ Peter Smith writes.


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