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Anglican diocese charges govt on security, education, health @

Anglican diocese charges govt on security, education, health @


The Diocese of Lagos West of the Anglican Communion has taken the government to task for the deteriorating state of the nation’s health facilities, education, security, and a number of other issues

The diocese made observations about these sectors in a communique issued after the 3rd Session of the 8th Synod of the diocese which took place at the Archbishop Vining Memorial Church Cathedral, GRA, Ikeja, Lagos from Thursday, May 18  to Sunday, May 21.

The theme of the 2023 Synod is; “The Lord will fight for you”

In the communique which was signed by the Bishop of the Diocese, The Rt. Revd. Dr. James Odedeji, the Synod Secretary, The Ven Olukayode Oreduga, and the Lay Synod Secretary, Mrs. Olateju Akindolurie, the Synod decried the insecurity, the deteriorating state of the health facilities and the economic downturn in the country.

The yearly conference however commended the outgoing government of President Mohammadu Buhari for assenting to bills on power and rail which gave the right to states to play in these sectors.

It then urged Buhari to go a step further to implement the recommendations of the 2014 Constitution Review Committee.

On security, the Synod expressed deep concern for the quality and character of some of the personnel of the law enforcement agencies in Nigeria.

It called for an overhaul of the policing system in the country urging the Federal Government “to provide proper funding, constant monitoring and improve the welfare of the law enforcement agents.”

It called for the setting up of “an independent commission based on wide consultations with all relevant religious organizations, to curb the excesses of some religious organizations, such as hate speech and incitement.”

The Chancellor of the Diocese, Hon Justice Opeoluwa Ogunade, Mr Tayo Ayinde and Bishop Odedeji at the event


Medical tourism

The conference also observed that the preponderance of foreign medical tourism among government officials is responsible for the country’s parlous state of health institutions.

It then implored government to seek more innovative ways of funding and improving the health sector. It urged the drug regulatory bodies to intensify their fight against the scourge of fake and adulterated drugs in the Nigerian markets.

The church body noted that fake drugs in the country have largely caused the untimely death of many Nigerians. It urged the government to intensify the campaign on healthy living among Nigerians.

The Synod also congratulates the President-elect, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu noting however that the 2023 elections afforded the Nigerian Youth the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction with the situation in Nigeria.

“Synod is impressed with the unprecedented participation of the youths in the elections and urges them to maintain the momentum,” the communique reads.

The annual council meeting of the diocese also took note of the enormous pressure on the judiciary due to the numerous election petitions.

It prayed however that God would grant the judiciary the wisdom to dispense justice.

While lamenting the economic downturn in the country, the “Synod calls on the Government and all policymakers to always consider the implications of their policies on the people, as laws are made for man and not man for laws.”

The plummeting education standard in Nigeria also got the attention of the Synod. It noted that less than 20 percent of the populace has access to qualitative education.

It recalled the unfortunate situation that resulted in an eight-month strike by University lecturers in the country while calling for an improvement in the funding of education along with private partnership.

Chief of Staff of the Lagos State governor, Mr Tayo Ayinde, who stood in for the governor, Bishop James Odedeji and the Special Assistant to the governor on Christian Religion, Rev Bukola Adekeje at the 3rd session of the 8th Synod of the Diocese

Lagos State

The conference congratulated the Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu on his re-election at the 2023 governorship election.

It urged him to use his second term, to extend infrastructural development to the rural areas of Lagos State and complete all ongoing projects.

The meeting however condemned what it described as “the tolerance of the excesses of touts on Lagos roads”

It urged the Lagos State Government to rein in on the newly constituted Motor Park Managers in a way that will engender a conducive atmosphere for private investors in the State.

At the Synod, the achievements of the Bishop of the diocese, The Rt Rev Olusola Odedeji; in the last ten years were highlighted. He was commended for the many innovative programmes and infrastructure in the diocese. His wife, Dr Mrs Olusola Odedeji was also praised for her efforts among the women folks in the diocese.

Synod noted that the Theme, “The Lord will fight for you”, is a message of confidence, courage, hope, faith, and the demonstration of the power and willingness of God to support and care for His people.

It reassured Nigerians that “God is always with us in our difficulties” and enjoins all to keep calling on Him with the hope that “He shall give us victory over all the problems facing the Nation today.”

The conference admonished all not to rely on perceived individual abilities and strength but to always rely absolutely on God for help in fighting our battles.

It also charged “Nigerians to be wary of trivial pursuits, which can distract us from the plans and purposes of God”



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