Home NEWS Sen. Ekweremadu and the trending video on the 2014 NHS act

Sen. Ekweremadu and the trending video on the 2014 NHS act

Sen. Ekweremadu and the trending video on the 2014 NHS act



By  Engr. Adesegun Osibanjo                                                                                                     

A trending viral Video (shall be referred to as Video 1 for clarity) on WhatsApp got my attention. Ordinarily, I would have glossed over it and moved on but when Sulaiman Aledeh appeared as the Anchor of the conversation, it got my full attention, so I had to watch to understand what it was all about.

The Conversation had three Panelists besides the Anchor. I could only pick out the name of one on the Screen as Phillip C. Njemanze. He did the major talking all through the almost 7 minutes run of the Video with Sulaiman seeking clarifications where needed.

Phillip Njemanze made damning and dangerously alarming revelations about how a US-based International Organ Trafficking Cartel in collaboration with General Electric Corporation, USA funded and sponsored the 8th Senate of the National Assembly to pass a Bill on the International Organ Harvesting Law to the tune of $6.2 Billion.

He made very contentious and shocking claims that this Law has stripped every Nigerian of the entitlements and rights to their Body organs which have been paid for in advance by the Cartel.

He went further to make disturbing revelations that all Federal Government Hospitals have been paid for and fully bought over by the Cartel for a fee of $3.2 Billion. Catholic Hospitals were also offered to be fully bought over for $2 Billion but  church was said to have turned down the offer.

Njemanze stated that he and some other Medical practitioners (Names not mentioned this time around) as Leaders of the Private Health sector from Nigeria were invited over to the New York Headquarters of General Electric Corporation, USA by the Executives of the Organisation for negotiations and were told that a high ranking member of the Cartel offered them $2 Billion to build 260 Hospitals in Nigeria.

Adesegun Osibanjo

The bogus claims

These Leaders were asked to name their price to pay them off and get compensated to leave the entire Medical system so that they will no longer practice Medicine, Pharmacy, Laboratory, and other related services anymore in Nigeria to enable the Cartel to take over full control of our National Health services for Organ trafficking and harvesting.

He went further to claim that the Public hearing session on the Bill was chaired by the Deputy Senate President of the 8th National Assembly, Senator Ike Ekweremadu with the Bill sponsor in attendance alongside other prominent Senators at the Public hearing and claimed to have told the Chairman of the Public hearing publicly that he will be the very first victim of the Law he is proposing to Nigerians, this he said became a Prophesy that came to pass with his arrest in London for Organ trafficking by the Metropolitan Police.

Njemanze’s revelations were too alarming to be believed but cannot be ignored as well, it was on this note that I proceeded to post this Video on Social media to seek clarity from those in Authority that should be in the know to assist my understanding.

As usual, there was no response from the Authorities but two old very reliable Friends assisted with further information that prompted the publishing of my personal Opinion on the subject. FJP based in New Jersey, US provided the Link to the unedited original Video (shall be referred to as Video 2 for clarity) on YouTube while Gbenga based in Lagos provided the Rebuttal from Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu, under whose watch as the Honourable Minister of Health, the 2014 National Health Act was signed into law by President Goodluck Jonathan.

Now Let’s do some bit of analysis on Video 1 (Link:https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0SyVVpz3nVUVBixQg6rWUdk5eyAUvywJqFzW2Ckbe1g4NhsjHPnd6NwfjpiS5QUHJl&id=1249815386&mibextid=Nif5oz) and the Video 2 (Link: https://youtu.be/qGTc2UNV5rA)


Video 2, more elaborate

Video 2 was the full recording giving very clear and concise details about the discourse. The subject of the Conversation was found to be The Organ Harvesting Question in respect of the 2014 National Health Act on the Online platform of Village Square Africa anchored by Sulaiman Aledeh parading three  Panelists identified as Prof. Phillip Njemanze of the Global Prolife Alliance and Ejike Okpa, a US-based Global Affairs Analyst, both featured virtually while Liborous Oshoma of the Nigerian Bar Association was Live in the Studios.

It was a very robust and balanced Conversation between the Anchor and the Panelists with each one of them having ample time to air their views as the conversation progresses while Video 1 is an extract of Video 2 beaming a lot of focus and attention on Prof. Njemanze’s revelations, and showing less of the other Participants.

The premise of the subject is the call by some Medical practitioners to repeal Sections 48, 51, and 53 of the 2014 National Health Act because it aids the Illegal tracking of Human organs in Nigeria.

Sulaiman took time to read out some of the contentious portions of the Act. Issues surrounding Organ harvesting: taking Organs with Donors’ consent, Poaching: taking Organ without Donor’s consent presumably, Protection of poor Donors who may later come around when they have a need for Tissue/Organ transfusion or transplant, and Fees for Organ donation were all extensively discussed and dovetailed into the alarming revelations from Prof Njemanze.

Liborous agreed that there are Lacunas in the Laws to address but should not be made a Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) issue. He enjoined Stakeholders concerned to take cues from International best practices when making Laws and urged Nigerians to challenge contentious sections of any Law in Court, though tedious and financially involving, they not wait for the NBA. He cautioned about raising alarm bells that are not there.

Ejike started with the history of Organ trafficking from the Otokoto story stating that the subject is age long. He spoke about International practices and regulations regarding Organ donations. People sell their Organs and Blood in the US for a fee but it is highly regulated. He stated that the alarming revelations from Prof. Njemanze be investigated.

The conclusions of the discourse on The Organ Harvesting Question in respect of the 2014 National Health Act on the Village Square Africa are as follows:

  • Sections 48, 51, and 53 of the 2014 National Health Act do not explicitly prohibit Organ trafficking and in some quarters are interpreted to support the practice.
  • Some Nigerian women sell their Ovarian eggs for a Tissue cloning procedure known as Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT).
  • Studies show that 5% to 42% of Organs transplanted in the World are illegally purchased
  • Global financial Integrity estimates that the illegal Organ trade generates Profits between $600 million and $1.2 billion per year.
  • 20 Patients die each day waiting for an Organ on the Transplant list in the World.
  • About 6% of Nigerians are believed to be living with kidney disease at the moment with the number expected to rise between 10% to 15%.

Rebuttal from Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu,

The original Rebuttal from Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu, former Honourable Minister of Health is made available below this Writeup to enable Readers to draw their individual conclusions as well but kindly allow me to draw your attention to the following from the Rebuttal:

  • The Act is not explicit enough on many details that require regulatory supervision and the prescribed sanctions for violations are, in my opinion, too lenient. Accordingly, subsidiary legislation is required to address in greater detail various types of organ transplantation e.g. Kidney transplantation.
  • Laws by themselves do stop the activities of the criminally minded. Laws require enforcement. So, while the intendment of the NHA is clear and lofty, we cannot outrightly deny that there might be breaches. It is the duty of the regulatory authorities and law enforcement agencies to seek out offenders, apprehend, prosecute, and convict them.
  • Regarding the alleged conspiratorial meetings with representatives of Western powers, I was not in any of the meetings he alluded to nor am I aware that any such meetings took place. But he mentioned the names of prominent persons who are alive and who are in the best position to confirm or refute their alleged participation in the meetings

A walk-through video 2

May we now take a walk-through of Video 2, the conclusions offered by Village Square Africa as listed above and the Rebuttal from Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu as follows:

There is a common ground that some sections of the 2014 National Health Act do not explicitly prohibit Organ trafficking and in some quarters are interpreted to support the practice.

This underscores the urgent need for a holistic and complete review of the Act in totality to address all areas of concern, including Vulnerability due to the financial situation of Donors. This will save the Country from avoidable International embarrassment.

Enforcement of the Law to stop the activities of the criminally minded is the second common ground here. The Regulatory authorities and the Law enforcement agencies need to do more to seek out offenders, apprehend, and prosecute them

The comments of Prof. Phillip Njemanze are where the discordant tunes are coming from. In deference to Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu, I beg to differ and not say his comments are suitable only for the Garbage bin.

Yes, I concur that his comments are really alarming and even very scary. It is so scary because I see the Globalist agenda which is the New World Order (NOW) gradually emerging in Nigeria now. NWO is a conspiracy theory that hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian World government.

The whole World is gradually tilting towards this Agenda by the dawn of each through the never-ending Technological advancement that birthed Artificial Intelligence (AI) that has taken over every sector of the World. Prof. Njemanze mentioned names of prominent Senators who participated at the public hearing sessions of the Bill before passage into Law but only mentioned himself without the names of the other participants at the meeting with the Executives of General Electric at their New York Headquarters.

Work for the next government

The alarming revelations from Prof. Phillip Njemanze which need to be investigated by the incoming Administration and should also form a Core-part of the already published Purposeful Agenda setting for the President-Elect are again listed as follows:

A US-based International Organ Trafficking Cartel in collaboration with General Electric Corporation, USA funded and sponsored the 8th Senate of the National Assembly to pass a Bill on the International Organ Harvesting Law to the tune of $6.2 Billion which became the 2014 National Health Act.

Has the 2014 National Health Act stripped every Nigerian of the entitlements and rights to their Body organs which have been paid for in advance by the Cartel?

Are all Federal Government Hospitals paid for and fully bought over by the Cartel for a fee of $3.2 Billion?

Seek confirmation that Catholic Hospitals were also offered to be fully bought over for $2 Billion but were turned down by the Bishops.

Prof. Njemanze to name other Medical practitioners as Leaders of the Private Health sector from Nigeria that were invited to the New York Headquarters of General Electric Corporation, USA by the Executives of the Organization for negotiations.

The investigation of these mind-boggling revelations will confirm the entry or otherwise of the Globalists into Nigeria, confirm or deny our inalienable rights and entitlements to our Body organs irrespective of the Humongous USD that may have exchanged hands.

It is also of great significance and concern for Believers of God irrespective of religion to enable us prepare well for the next steps in relation to the paragraph below:

“This final empire will be a true Global government, ruled by the man known as the Antichrist, also called the beast and the lawless one (Revelation 13:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:8). He will have “authority over every tribe, people, language and nation,” and he, along with the False Prophet, will force all people to take his mark.

This future global leader will control all financial transactions (Revelation 13:17) and all religious observance (Revelation 13:8). Refusal to worship the Antichrist means death; acquiescence means eternal punishment from God (Revelation 13:15; 14:9-11)”.

Let’s remember that “Every human will stand before him to be judged by our deeds and belief in him” – Hebrews 9:27. Apologies to my Muslim and other religious brethren please, the Bible is the only reference source I know.

Brethren and People of God, the End time is here. Be ready and don’t get caught unawares.

God bless you for the patience exercised to walk through this very long read.

By Evangelist Engr. Adéṣẹ́gun Olútáyò Òṣíbánjọ R.ENG, MNSE, MNIEE, MCIPSMN



Rebuttal from Prof Onyebuchi Chukwu, Former Honourable Minister of Health

Onyebuchi Chukwu, former minister for health


It is a wonder that any publishing or broadcast media would disseminate this kind of verifiable information without any reference to the literature cited.

The National Health Act 2014 is gazetted, available, and accessible.

It has its origin in an executive bill prepared under the watch of Prof Eyitayo Lambo, the Minister of Health in 2006 under President Obasanjo. It was first passed by the National Assembly during the tenure of Prof Osotimehin, Minister of Health under President Yar’Adua but could not be signed into law for some reason.

It was resuscitated by my humble self as Minister of Health under President Jonathan. Under my watch, it was first passed into law by the National Assembly in 2011, but the President was unable to sign it into law within the 30 days window because of strong objections and reservations to certain sections by mostly Religious organizations and Trade unions in the Health sector.

Following further debates, meetings, and consultations, amendments to the original bill were made in collaboration with the Senate Committee on Health chaired by Senator Dr Ifeanyi Okowa, and the House Committee on Health chaired by Hon Ndudi Elumelu. It was again passed by the National Assembly during my time as Minister of Health and signed into law by President Jonathan in October 2014.

The following should be noted:

  1. The National Health Act (NHA) is the first law ever in Nigeria that amongst other things, regulates the transplantation of Tissues (including blood), Gametes (including Ovarian eggs), and Organs, and their Importation or Exportation.
  2. The Act is not explicit enough on many details that require regulatory supervision and the prescribed sanctions for violations are, in my opinion, too lenient. Accordingly, subsidiary legislation is required to address in greater detail various types of organ transplantation e.g. Kidney transplantation.
  3. Utterances and writings of Philip Njemanze must be taken with more than a pinch of salt.
  4. He is on the register of the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) but his conduct generally casts doubt on his medical credentials.
  5. He is obsessed with spreading conspiracy stories that are unverifiable and none of which has been verified till date. Indeed, he was very vocal and conspicuous amongst those that seemed vehemently opposed to the sections of the bill dealing with organ transplantation and medical abortion. He was at a time working with the Catholic Medical Committee chaired by then Bishop Lucius Ugorji (now Archbishop). At the invitation of his lordship, I attended a seminar on the bill where I engaged Njemanze in a direct debate on the provisions of the bill. Needless to add that the Organizers of the Seminar commended me for successfully clarifying many of the provisions to the participants. It was clear that many of them had been misled by Njemanze.
  6. Of the many sections of the NHA cited by Njemanze as ‘contentious sections of the Act, which ought to be amended for the safety of Nigerians’, I will address only the three that has any direct bearing to organ donation, harvesting, trafficking, manipulation or transplantation; namely sections 48, 51 and 53.
  7. Section 48 subsection 1 explicitly states:

‘Subject to the provision of Section 53, a person shall not remove tissue, blood or blood product from the body of another living person for any purpose except—

(a) with the informed consent of the person from whom the tissue, blood or blood product is removed granted in the prescribed manner;

(b) that the consent clause may be waived for medical investigations and treatment in emergency cases; and

(c) in accordance with prescribed protocols by the appropriate authority’.

Section 48 Subsection 2 states:

(a) A person shall not remove tissue which is not replaceable by natural processes from a person younger than 18 years.

(b) A tissue, blood or a blood product shall not be removed from the body of another living person for purpose of merchandise, sale, or commercial purposes’.

Section 48 subsection 3 states:

‘A person who contravenes or fails to comply with the provisions of this section commits an offence and is liable on conviction in the case of —

(a) tissue, to a fine of ₦1,000,000 or imprisonment of not less than two years or both; and

(b) blood or blood products, to a fine of ₦100,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or both’.

  1. Section 51 prescribes that the act of removing tissue from a living person for transplantation in another living person, or the transplantation itself, shall only take place in a hospital authorized for that purpose on the written authority of the designated medical practitioner who shall not be the lead participant in a transplant for which he had granted the required authorization. It also prescribes the establishment of an independent tissue transplantation committee within any health institution authorized to carry out transplant surgery.
  2. Section 53 subsection 1 states:

It is an offence for a person —

(a) who has donated tissue, blood or a blood product to receive any form of financial or other reward for such donation, except for the reimbursement of reasonable costs incurred by him or her to provide such donation; and

(b) to sell or trade in tissue, blood, blood products except for reasonable payments made in appropriate health establishment for the procurement of tissues, blood or blood products.

Section 53 subsection 2 states:

A person who contravenes under subsection 1 of this section commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of ₦100,000 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year or to both.

  1. Although he did not cite section 50 but alluded to ‘trafficking and poaching of ovarian eggs’, it is pertinent to reproduce the content of that section here:

Section 50 states:

‘(1) A person shall not—

(a) manipulate any genetic material, including genetic material of human gametes, zygotes or embryos; or

(b) engage in any activity including nuclear transfer or embryo splitting for the purpose of the cloning of human being;

(c) import or export human zygotes or embryos.

(2) A person who contravenes or fails to comply with the provision of this section commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a minimum of five years with no option of fine’.

  1. Regarding the alleged conspiratorial meetings with representatives of Western powers, I was not in any of the meetings he alluded to neither am I aware that any such meetings took place. But he mentioned the names of prominent persons who are alive and who are in the best position to confirm or refute their alleged participation in the meetings.
  2. Laws by themselves do stop the activities of the criminally minded. Laws require enforcement. So, while the intendment of the NHA is clear and lofty, we cannot outrightly deny that there might be breaches. It is the duty of the regulatory authorities and the law enforcement agencies to seek out offenders, apprehend, prosecute and convict them.
  3. Because of the importance of the bill and the associated controversies, I recall that at the invitation of Senate President David Mark, I attended a one-on-one meeting with him in the presence of Senator Okowa, to render necessary clarifications.



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