Home NEWS Founder of the Society of Our Lady of Africa (SOLA) Sisters dies at 91 – Catholic Church News

Founder of the Society of Our Lady of Africa (SOLA) Sisters dies at 91 – Catholic Church News

Founder of the Society of Our Lady of Africa (SOLA) Sisters dies at 91 – Catholic Church News


Sr. Teresa Canclini from 1932-2023

The founder of the Society of Our Lady of Africa (SOLA) Sisters, Sr. Teresa Canclini has died. Sr. Canclini died on 8 August 2023 at the age of 91.

Born Lucia Victoria on 16 September 9132 in Bormio Italy, Sr. Teresa was the fourth child in a family of five, four girls and one boy, who are Christina, Carluccio, Rina, Lucia and Anna Maria. The two Rina and Lucia now known as Sr. Teresa joined the Sisters of Charity in 1960. In 1966, Sr. Teresa came to Africa, then Rhodesia and settled in Chirundu at Paul VI Mission where she worked as a pastoral worker. She took her final vows in 1969.  

Sr. Teresa was then called to Chinhoyi by the then Monsignor Helmut Reckter SJ to do pastoral work at the Corpus Christi Cathedral, animating the youth and to take the domestic school in St Peter. It was in 1979 that she felt the need to start a local congregation of Sisters. In 1991, she shared her inspiration with Sr. Luisa who also shared the vision with the then Bishop Helmut Reckter SJ who gladly welcomed the idea and encouraged the sisters to go ahead.  

Bishop Reckter then forwarded the Sisters’ intention to Rome for approval and within six months, there was a positive response allowing them to establish the Society of Our Lady of Africa popularly known as SOLA Sisters under Chinhoyi Diocese. On 08 September1992, SOLA Sisters were officially established and recognized.

Sr. Canclini is revered for her dedication to supporting African people which led her to start a local congregation so as to cater for the material and spiritual needs of the youth and young women in Africa.

The SOLA Sisters congregation continues to grow to support the needs of the local church as enshrined in their moto which is, “To serve the Lord with gladness.”  

Mourners will be gathered at Galilee Community in Mzari Extension Flamboyant road for the funeral. There will be Holy Mass on Wednesday, 9 August 2023 at 5:30pm. On Thursday, 10 August 2023, the body will be collected from Nyaradzo Funeral Parlour to Galilee Community at 5pm followed by the vigil mass at 6pm. A requiem mass will be held on Friday, 11 August 2023 at Corpus Christi Cathedral in Chinhoyi at10am followed by burial at Kutama Mission.    



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