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Members recall how they joined church

Members recall how they joined church


Find below a compilation of accounts of Deeper Life Members on how they joined the Church and became born again. They shared their experiences on the Facebook Page: Heirs of the Kingdom as noted by Church Times



 I was a member of the Anglican church. But God used my cousin, who was a worker in Deeper Life Bible Church to bring me to the church. That was during the Easter Retreat of 1994 at Ayobo, Lagos. That was where I gave my life to Christ and have never remained the same again. Other Christian experiences followed through the inspiring messages from our General Superintendent.

I thank God for this Church because I have lots of testimonies. Praise the living God!.


On the 29th of December 2007 a brother, Efosa Ogiamien preached to me. After the preaching, when I got home I had an encounter with Christ around 7 pm the same day Ogiamien preached to me. On the 30th of December, I honored his invitation to DLBC, Ohonre district (Hope Group of School) and PASTOR W F KUMUYI preached that day on Christian fruit. From that moment, I said yes to Jesus and I became a member of the church.

My husband fell sick in the year 2016 after the birth of my first child and was looking for a solution. My in-laws said I was responsible for his infirmity. But when I came to the power night that day, I forgot the miracle I was looking for when I heard the man of God as if he was talking to only me in the church.

God arrested me and when the brethren and the pastor came to visit me the following week, they preached to my husband and he gave his life to Christ.

Then during the retreat in 2018 titled ” the beginning of a New Dawn” the Lord sanctified me. And even the sickness and everything that was tormenting us vanished. I thank God for the salvation of my husband, if not he would have been a native doctor by now because his grandfather was a native doctor before he died and now the father. I praise God for the great things he has done for me.

One Brother Amos from Pedro Adarinijo group invited me to Gbagada in 1985 and the message that day was PERSECUTION FULFILLED GOD’S PLAN. But I didn’t give my life until a year later when I met Sister Mabel and Sister Ajani. I was disgusted with their long skirts.

As Sister Mabel approached first, I challenged her roughly just to scare her away and asked her, ‘Why are you like this’?

Her answer baffled me. I couldn’t raise my head until she asked, would you like to give your life to Jesus Christ?

Would you like to follow me to Gbagada? I cried until I lost my strength. I surrendered unto Christ under the great burden of my sin. I later got freedom in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

My brother-in-law invited me to the Sunday service in 1988 in Gbagada by the grace of God. I heard the message of salvation and was convinced. But l was not converted until a day in August 1991 when the headquarters church was decentralised. I was living in Papa Ajao then; Sotinoye district to be precise. I thank God for keeping me and will continue to keep me and everyone of us in the faith till the very end in Jesus’ name. Amen.


I joined Deeper Life as a toddler, my salvation experience was just after watching a video played in one of the youth programs, titled “A little lie”. It Was such an unforgettable experience

I was born and trained in Deeper Life, my dad is a pastor, I experienced the salvation of Christ, in 2009, that was the year I got baptized and received the holy ghost baptism, it’s a year I will never forget. Still in the Lord by his grace till now.

My Dad heard a voice telling him from evening till the next day ” Go to Deeper Life” He was then able to trace the church through a member who had once brought a retreat invite to him. He got to church during congregational prayer. The voice came again saying” Repent, you are a sinner” That was how he got converted. My late Mum followed him when she saw he was a changed person and we children got saved too in Deeper Life.

I got converted while in secondary school. My classmate who was a member of Gospel Faith Mission Church then preached to me.

After her salvation message, I was broken.

She made me know the difference between being born again and being a religious person. At that point I realized I was a sinner, I confessed my sins and repented from them all and I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal saviour. That was 1989

Since then, no regret. I have been following the Lord through Thick and Thin. Praise The Lord!

I gained admission into the Federal College Of Education Okene in 1995. At that time there was no Gospel Faith Mission on that Campus. So, I have to join Deeper Life Campus Fellowship. That was how I became a member since then. Our GS messages and other leaders’ messages have been of tremendous blessings to me. Praise The Lord! Hallelujah!!!!


God used my teacher, who is a pastor, to bring me to DLBC during the Easter Retreat 1994 at Agunbelewo, Osogbo where I gave my life to Christ and have never remained the same again. Other Christian experiences followed through the inspiring messages from our G.S.

I thank God for this Church because I have lots of testimonies, praise the living God!


Front view of Deeper Life Church, Gbagada, Lagos

 I was a member of RCCG together with my family, my elder brother started attending deeper life programmes in 1988. He invited me to Deeper Life in 1989 for a youth program,I started attending then. But I gave my life to Christ during the Dec retreat in 1991. I am a shy person I didn’t know the time I went out for an altar call I surrendered my life to Christ, I came back from the retreat as a changed person, and other Christian experiences followed, l bless the Lord, praise ye the Lord.


Praise the Lord! As for me, I got converted in the year 1994 in Kano State when Our Father in the Lord, Pastor Williams Kumuyi came for a crusade there. I was invited by my neighbor and the Lord visited me.


I became born again in my room at Federal Government College Jos the first week in February 1991.

I joined Deeper Life almost immediately by the influence of my late eldest brother who got born again in Deeper Life.

The milk and the bone of our walk with God were imparted in me by the Deeper Life ministry. I have never listened to PST W.F. Kumuyi without getting fed by him.

 Mrs. Ezekwe, a retired nurse and owner of Charity Clinic and Maternity, Orile Iganmu, invited me to an outreach organized by the International Friendship League (IFL) at City Hall, Lagos Island, in November 1986. GS preached from 2Kings5 on the healing of Naaman the Syrian captain.

I was ashamed of myself that I had not been a Christian even though my father was a Baptist pastor. All my years in the Secondary School and on campus were spent in sin and a perverse lifestyle. To the glory of God for helping me to this far in the pilgrimage

My mum went into labour on her way home from church that beautiful Sunday morning after service when labour pains started, my father had to take her back to the church cause the pastor’s wife is a midwife. So I was given birth to inside Deeper Life Bible Church and my younger brother was given birth to inside the campground

By the grace of God, I was born in the Deeper Life Bible Church,20 years ago. It’s a great privilege indeed.

And I’m so happy to be among the church breed

I was in Catholic church and at the same time looking for power and protection in one secret organisation where we practise magic. I was about to be initiated for the first grade scheduled for the month of November when Jesus Christ, the Merciful and Loving Saviour sought out our lost soul (I cried from the depth of my soul asking Him to show me the way of the truth on Thursday 11th of September 2008) and He led me to one of my uncle who has been preaching to me and my cousins years ago.

But that faithful Friday 12th September 2008 around 8 pm I surrendered myself completely to Jesus. I cannot explain the unspeakable joy and peace and happiness that night. Truly Heaven came down and filled my soul. And I am grateful to Jesus I asked for the way of truth and Jesus brought me into a living and holy church where all the truth and counsel of God are taught and exposed without reservation

I was a member of the Anglican church before. But God used my cousin, who was a worker, to bring me to DLBC during the Easter Retreat 1994 at Ayobo where I gave my life to Christ and have never remained the same again. Other Christian experiences followed through the inspiring messages from our G.S.

I thank God for this Church because I have lots of testimonies, praise the living God!

I relocated to Edo State in the year 1998. This same year, I join Deeper Life Bible Church and got converted during one of our G.S messages. Other Christian experiences followed. Got water baptism and underwent discipleship class. Apart from serving as a worker. His grace has made me lead in several segments of the ministry. This year marks my silver jubilee in D L C M.


The first day I enter the church in 1985 I saw myself as very dirty among others in the church it was a revival service but by the grace of God the Lord helped me by the Easter retreat of the following year I got converted. Since then the Lord has been good to me n my family. I asked myself why didn’t I know this from my youth. Thanks be to God I didn’t miss it. Heaven is sure in Jesus’ name


I was invited to Gbagada Church for Bible study. Meanwhile, I had been battling with the English language in my WAEC. So the only thing I gained at the Bible study was that “This baba can speak English oo.”

After the Bible study, I went back home with the man who invited me. He was excited but I wasn’t. When he asked me about the study, Of course, I said it was great.

But after that, he went to a retreat and came with a cassette, the title of the message was “Love in action”. I was alone on a well (without water) he came back only to see me praying. I surrendered to Christ and started following him.


I remember my teacher in primary 4, Mrs. Anaele during a break in school will be praying this intense prayer every day. Some of my classmates would laugh at her but I was curious to know what she was doing and why. Later I understood it was prayer and I got to know she was a member of the Deeper Life. Before then we hated the church because of their members, But this one was different.

I became interested. My eldest sister a member started taking me along with her to Church. That was in 1991. But I gave my life to Christ properly in October 1994 at the Africa Wide Crusade. The prayer warriors led to Christ. I saw that my teacher there was one of the choristers. But she didn’t recognize me again. Shortly after she went to be with the Lord. I have never regretted my decision. the Lord has been so good



The Holy Spirit prompted me to honour an invitation thrown to a friend and behold it was Deeper Life. The moment that l rejected an offer from a negative helper, the Holy Spirit began to impress upon my heart to go to the programme. By the next revival service, I got a testimony about my medical challenge. So it was the Holy Spirit that took me to Deeper Life 36 years ago.

It was February 1994, I went to Ayedun Ekiti to retake my exam, I gave my life to Christ 1993 April 15,though not in Deeper Life, so I was looking for a church where I will grow and make heaven. I didn’t even know the name of the church. But the Holy Spirit through a small girl we were staying together pointed the church to me and went back. Since that day, God has blessed and established me. Praise His Holy Name.

I was a member of the All-Christian Fellowship. I can remember very well. In early 2001 very early on Sunday morning my father woke me up and told me from now henceforth I and my siblings should be worshiping with Deeper life. Ironically, my father was not a member. The order came to me as a surprise. Though I wasn’t happy, I didn’t have a choice. I could not say no to Daddy because he is an authoritative ex-military officer. I just obeyed. On my first day in church, it was the Gs’ cassette they played I can never forget that message, that was how i started loving the church, and not too long I gave my life to Jesus Christ in one of the first covenant services started by GS. I really thank God for using my father to take me to Deeper Life Bible Church

My first contact with DLBC was the Women Mirror I read. It was given to me by a member. In that edition, there was a quote that says, “A life without Christ is a hopeless end, and a life with Christ is an endless hope. The phrase was thought-provoking considering the kind of life I lived then. I think I still have the Women Mirror. However, I was an Anglican initially back in the village as my maternal church and I love God. But at some point, I was not really committed to service though I always had the thought of going to church. when I came to Lagos Anglican was not really in the area where I lived. To cut the story

short my life has been so battered that I needed God’s intervention.

There is this church in my area then that any time I passed through their front the message I heard on one Monday there even on the road looked different, something kept telling me to go there. I didn’t even know it was DLBC because they were not having a signpost. On one faithful Sunday like that, I went there uninvited by anybody for service. I would say it’s the Spirit of God that convicted me.

Kolaru Olayinka Emmanuel

 Odunsi district organized a 3-day Open Air crusade I think at Shogbamu Street,Bariga , Lagos in April 1994. And film titled “The Beginning of the End was shown and that was what took me to my knee as I surrendered my life to Him followed by proper mentoring and discipleship at the then St. Andrew’s College of Education DLCF in 1997 to 1999.There, I became a committed worker which had sharpened my spiritual growth till now.

Though I got married to a Redeemed Church member who is a Pastor our love for what DLBC stands for which is “holiness” is still being followed in our ministerial journey.

I wish all members of DLBC worldwide grace not to deviate from the old landmark that God has used Daddy Kumuyi to lay. Please you are a book that some other Christians are reading. You are a pacesetter, please don’t be distracted especially our youth. Let others continue to see Jesus in you. We love you all and we are proud of you.

I joined the church following my mother, brothers, and sisters in the early 80’s ( between 82 / 83 Before then we were attending Cherubim and Seraphim. We joined the Bible study at Ijebu Ode Grammar School in Ogun state. ( It was only Bible study no Sunday worship service) Then later I discovered we moved from that location to Owakurudu extreme end of Ondo Road in ijebu Ode to begin a church. The place was filled with bamboo. If I could remember very well we were using bamboo as chairs. I was in the children’s church because there was no youth section then.

I became genuinely born again in 1987 Before this day I have been going out for almost every altar call. Until this particular day, it was during the weekly service. I responded to the call to salvation. The joy of salvation filled my heart, as young as I was I did my restitution after my discipleship class before my water baptism.

They started the youth church with us ( DLSO) Then I was among the pioneer students’ home success fellowship. Only one location for boys and girls in Ijebu Ode then. I remember our youth leaders they were wonderful. Father in heaven I thank you for keeping me alive in faith. God of Deeper life will be my God forever

For the first time in my life as a Catholic member,I attended a Church called Jubilee Christian Fellowship in Abeokuta in 1993 where I first heard about the gospel of salvation and I responded but I was not a sound Christian. When I return to Akure, I started panting for the truth. It was around this time my uncle came back from NYSC where he had also accepted Jesus and became a member of Deeper Life. But I was still looking for a church to attend. He took me to DL District around us. Indeed my spirit found a REST.

I re-gave my life to Christ and my faith was very strong despite the opposition and persecution I faced I stood my ground. I was chased out yet I remained in the Lord. Since then by the grace of God, I have decided to stay through God helping me. I cannot forget my experience when I joined the youth choir in 1994 singing with them at Iju/itaogbolu campground in Akure also POWER AS OF OLD’96 these experiences have resharpened my spiritual focus

I was introduced to deeper life in 2020 by a woman during her evangelism while I was still in school, she later became a mother to me and a mentor. She has been there for me, making sure I stay glued to Christ to date. She gave me the freedom to choose and believe in Christ wholeheartedly without being cajoled. I thank God for the words of restoration and breakthrough from our father PASTOR W F KUMUYI God bless him.



I got to DLBC through my grandmother during my younger sister’s dedication in 1994. By then my parents were not Christians and as a child, I used to attend a Catholic church. I became born again in 2006 during one of the Sunday services, it was a group combined worship and when I got home the following week I told my district pastor that I will take care of the children’s church as their teacher. I got baptized in 2009 when I was in school. On the day we were baptized I went to the church and the pastor asked me if I have attended the class I said no due to my school stuff and he said okay. He granted me permission to be baptized with testimony about my commitment to the church. Then in 2011, I became a youth representative until date. Praise the Lord

The message I heard that day was on restitution and through the ministration of the district pastor there I saw my urgent need for Christ.

Finally, in the nationwide crusade, in the year 2005 was where I publicly came in the midst of the crowd to give my life to Christ precisely Elepe ikorodu.


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