Home NEWS Pilgrimage to Zambia by Catholic Young Adults from Hwange a symbol of unity for the Church – Catholic Church News

Pilgrimage to Zambia by Catholic Young Adults from Hwange a symbol of unity for the Church – Catholic Church News

Pilgrimage to Zambia by Catholic Young Adults from Hwange a symbol of unity for the Church – Catholic Church News


By Quegas Mutale

Hwange Diocese Catholic Young Adults in the company of their advisors during a visit to Zambia.

The Catholic young adults of Hwange diocese walked the talk on the synod on synodality through an exchange visit to Holy Cross Mission, Maamba in Monze Diocese, Zambia on 10-13 August 2023.

The exchange visit ran under the theme ‘Mary arose and went with haste (Luke 1: 39.’

Fr. Masimba Nyoni, dean for Binga deanery said, “we are pilgrims in the journey of life.” In an interview, he shared that the Catholic Church is into synod, and he described the trip as a synodal pilgrimage. Fr. Bernard Mwaango, parish priest of Holy Cross Mission in Zambia indicated that it was his first experience to receive young adults from Zimbabwe.

Fr. Pritchard Shoko of Binga advised that young adults (called adult youths in Zambia) should strive to grow their faith. He said one of the roles of a young adults is of pilgrim spirituality. “We should be pilgrim people,” he said making reference to Mary’s pilgrimage to Elizabeth.

Holy Cross Catholic Church, Diocese of Monze, Zambia which the Catholic Young Adults from Hwange visited.

Priests took turns to deliver lessons to young adults. Fr. Maxwell Shimumba of Maamba shared on how to be an enthusiastic person. Fr. Bernard Mwaango, parish priest of Holy Cross delivered a lesson on Catholic Church doctrine, whilst Fr. Shoko taught on roles of young adults in the church and community. A talk on marriage in the contemporary church and society was made by Fr. Nyoni.

“Visitors from Zimbabwe reminded us of oneness. You travelled all the way to meet others in Maamba”, Fr. Mwaango commented. He said that young adults from Zimbabwe made a commendable gesture by making a synodal pilgrimage to Zambia since it is usually a challenge to walk the talk. He appreciated efforts by young adults from Hwange who expressed solidarity, kindness and unity portraying oneness of the church.

Fr. Mwaango, Mr. Albert Hamayuwa and Fr. Shimumba of Holy Cross (right) issuing gifts to Zimbabwean priests, Frs. Nyoni, Shoko and Tshuma (left).

Young adults of Hwange and Monze dioceses shared experiences, achievements, challenges, opportunities and plans. They reflected on music, culture and the history of their missions. Fr. Nyoni said the young adults benefited a lot from the exchange visit and encouraged them to share the experience with others.

Fr. Nyoni appealed to the elderly to help the youths to be focused on God through prayer.

“Learn the art of walking on water like Peter. Do you pray as families and associations or at work?” he asked.

Expressing gratitude, Mr. Owen Sikumba, council chairperson of Holy Cross Mission, Mamba in Zambia said “utaswayigwi mukandu”, a Tonga proverb translating that the one who does not receive a visitor is a coward.

Contacted for comment, Fr. Mwaango remarked that he was inspired by the good number of young adults from Zimbabwe who visited his parish. He advised those in Zambia to grow their membership.

During a talk, Fr. Shoko appealed to young adults to take ownership of the association and keep the faith.

Fr. Tshuma advised young adults to transit to their faith to others. He told young adults that they are pillars of the church who should build and support it, and understand her doctrine.



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