Home NEWS Reflection about St. Cecilia Celebration – Catholic Church News

Reflection about St. Cecilia Celebration – Catholic Church News

Reflection about St. Cecilia Celebration – Catholic Church News


By CCN Correspondent

St. Cecilia celebration should be a get together in prayer and should not be used as a platform for drinking alcohol or other ulterior motives .

The St. Cecilia musical event is good in at least two ways:

i) It is an occasion to celebrate through song, an integral party of our liturgy. Catholic music is set apart , it is the robe of worship. The St. Cecilia event reiterates this and reminds us to make compositions which direct us to the heavens. Less of competition, much about worship.

ii) The Church is always synodal. It is such occasions which bring the journeying together in the spirit of communion, participation and mission. The event is popular even among non- catholics. People always stand in awe at the beautiful arrangement of catholic music, its deep biblical roots and ability to arouse in listeners a sense and longing for the divine. St. Cecilia music indaba brings people together, and as at the paschal banquet , we break the bread together. Our Lord exhorted us , to always do this.

However, there is an ill or a demon we are failing to exorcise at our singing indabas. The temptation to take it as a jamboree, an expo of some sorts, far removed from reflection and discernment. There has been too much drink at our events. Laity, clergy and religious over imbibing to the extent of losing self. We need discipline, prudence and reflection. We are in the midst of a debilitating drugs scourge. We are losing the adults and the young to alcohol abuse. Our bishops and indeed the pope have time without number spoken about child safeguarding and protection. One way to heed to this call is to be very moderate and responsible with alcohol. Now some people are mocking us already- bottle stores, beer joints and pubs have been told to stock as much. Catholics are in town!

Long live St. Cecilia. Reflection , discernment and prudence reign


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