Home EVENTS Amid Conflict In Kashmir, Martial Arts Emerges as a Popular Trend Among Girls

Amid Conflict In Kashmir, Martial Arts Emerges as a Popular Trend Among Girls

Amid Conflict In Kashmir, Martial Arts Emerges as a Popular Trend Among Girls


The transformative power of martial arts is not confined to the academy’s walls.

Adla Shabir, a college student, and her sister vividly illustrate the effectiveness of their training when they fearlessly confronted a group of boys harassing them.

The boys, no match for their confidence and skills, never dared to approach the academy again.

“We three sisters were riding a two-wheeler when some boys started abusing us. My sister slapped one boy, and he fell down. His accomplice tried to attack me; I punched him in the stomach. A lot of people gathered, including some boys and women who questioned our actions, but we didn’t care. We thought he had abused us and had to be taught a lesson. I am sure he will still be very depressed by the slap of my sister,” Shabir said.

Shabir attributes her courage and ability to handle the situation to the sense of empowerment gained through her martial arts training.

“Our martial arts trainer has instilled in us the understanding that we cannot prevent unfortunate events from occurring in society, but we must stand up against them,” she said.

This real-life incident exemplifies the broader impact of martial arts, moving beyond self-defense skills to instill a sense of confidence and empowerment. The ability of these young women to stand up against harassment reflects not only their personal growth but also the societal shift fostered by initiatives like the Iron Fist Academy.

As stories like Shabir’s emerge, the ripple effect of martial arts training becomes evident, reaching far beyond the academy’s curriculum. The empowerment gained within those walls becomes a powerful force shaping the lives of individuals and influencing societal attitudes, one confident and skilled practitioner at a time.

In the shadows of escalating crime against women in Kashmir, the National Crime Records Bureau reveals a disturbing 10% increase in such incidents in 2020. Dowry deaths, domestic violence, assault and acts intended to outrage modesty stain the region’s landscape. However, amid all these alarming trends, a glimmer of hope emerges as special events promoting sports and recreation take center stage.

Initiatives encouraging young athletes, especially girls, to train in natural settings like forests and mountains are gaining momentum. These events, designed to foster competition while building physical and mental resilience, play a crucial role in combating the distressing crime rates.

Short marathons and various sports categories not only motivate the youth but also assess their strength and capabilities. Winners are determined by points, creating a culture of physical activity and empowerment.

Martial arts are swiftly gaining popularity among Kashmiri girls, providing them with the tools needed to confront rising crime rates. Their transformative journey becomes a testament to the power of sports in fostering resilience, empowerment, and unity, even in the face of conflict.

As these young athletes continue to make strides, they not only bring honor to themselves but also shine a light on the indomitable spirit of Kashmir. In a region grappling with adversity, their rise signifies a hopeful chapter, illustrating how sports can be a catalyst for positive change.

In the pages of Kashmir’s narrative, these empowered young athletes are becoming agents of change, inspiring others to fearlessly pursue their dreams and demonstrating the transformative potential of sports in overcoming societal challenges.


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