Home EVENTS 5 Books From 2023 That Every Pastor Should Read

5 Books From 2023 That Every Pastor Should Read

5 Books From 2023 That Every Pastor Should Read


Key is a master at his craft. His earlier work, “The World’s Largest Man,” was the 2016 winner of the Thurber Prize for American Humor. The book is funny, captivating and emotionally stirring. If readers do not throw the book in outrage at the narrative or weep inconsolably at the conclusion, they have no soul. 

But I recommendation this book with the caveat it is not an easy read. The book is a verbal thrashing, a tangled web of Scripture, humor and depravity.

Key’s life and marriage are laid out like a body at a wake, for everyone to stop by and give their condolences. Readers will be brought to their knees in compassion, like Key was on the night he discovered his marriage was over. Even after things are lashed together with shoestring, the trials of life continue. Their paths that twist and turn eventually leading, in dramatic fashion (I won’t spoil it!) to Christ, the church and reconciliation.

Pastors need to read this book. In our world there is so much brokenness, but Key’s story is the reminder that where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more. Ministers should also pay attention to the way other Christians responded or rallied around their family. But pastors know all too well that not every story turns out like this — churches are filled with broken people. 

This story reminds us that there is hope. In a world where Christianity is waning, these kinds of illustrations are a palliative. The small glimpses of God’s work in people lives. We need to hear more stories like it, that remind us of the sacredness of marriage and the struggle to remain committed to the covenants we make. 

Honorable mention

It’s hard to just choose five, so here are a few other good books, honorable mentions if you will, from 2023 connected with topics related to the ones mentioned above:

There is no doubt that 2023 was a tough year, but a community of writers and faithful Christians are learning to crawl forward through the cultural haze.

For those who are looking for help as we all journey together into the new year, these books are a great place to start. 


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