Home NEWS Double celebration as Archbishop Ndlovu confirms 200 before commissioning of Mt. St. Mary’s High School headmaster’s house – Catholic Church News

Double celebration as Archbishop Ndlovu confirms 200 before commissioning of Mt. St. Mary’s High School headmaster’s house – Catholic Church News

Double celebration as Archbishop Ndlovu confirms 200 before commissioning of Mt. St. Mary’s High School headmaster’s house – Catholic Church News


By Moses Tinashe Mazena

Archbishop Ndlovu cuts the ribbon to officially open the newly constructed headmaster’s house at Mt. St. Mary’s Wedza.

It was a double celebration event on 4 June 2023 at Mt St. Mary’s Mission in Wedza as the Archbishop of Harare, Robert Christopher Ndlovu, confirmed two hundred candidates and later in the afternoon opened a state-of-the-art house for the newly appointed headmaster of Mt. St. Mary’s High School, Mr. Shepherd Dzvairo. The famous Mt. St. Mary’s Mission is located in Wedza, about 158km from Harare and it was founded in 1952 by the Society of Jesus Missionaries.

The day started with the celebration of Holy Mass by his Grace as the main celebrant, together with the Parish Priest Fr. Cloudy Maganga and his assistant, Fr. Leonard Chikwama as concelebrants. The mass was attended by thousands of people from the forty-five outstations in Wedza together with students from St. Mary’s High School. The Education Secretary for the Archdiocese of Harare was among the dignitaries who attended the occasion.

In his Homily, the Archbishop encouraged the faithful to love one another and remain united just as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are united in the mystery of the Holy Trinity. More so, the Archbishop urged people to participate actively in politics as the country heads towards the harmonized general elections scheduled for 23 August 2023. He urged the faithful to preach peace at all levels despite one’s political affiliation.  During his closing remarks, Fr. Cloudy Maganga thanked the Archbishop for officially opening the house and for bestowing the sacrament of confirmation on the catechumens. He assured the Archbishop that, as the Parish Priest, his duty is to make sure he administers all sacraments to all Christ’s faithful.

Archbishop RC Ndlovu, Fr. Cloudy Maganga and Sr Claris looking at the plan for the projects.

“Sekuru kuno basa redu guru nderekuitira vanhu vaMwari ava muteuro weMisa nekuvapa masakaramende avanoshuvira. Hatina nguva yekutsamwisana nevanhu, chedu kufara chete.”  said Fr. Maganga. Soon after mass, the Archbishop toured St. Mary’s mission, assessing various projects such as the magnificent hostel which is under construction and officially opened the newly built headmaster’s house. Archbishop Ndlovu thanked the school administration for their efficiency in the construction of the headmaster’s house and  urged everyone to take care of the temporal goods of the Church.


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