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“Many pastors are becoming weary,they need wake-up training”

“Many pastors are becoming weary,they need wake-up training”


Founder of International Church Growth Ministry, Dr. Francis Bola Akin-John has observed that many church leaders are getting weary of the truth as found in the Bible, a development he said has led some to quit ministry while some are just gasping for survival.

He made the observation during a recent chat with Church Times on the ministry’s conference planned for church leaders  from September 5-8

Many are tired

Akin-John who has been in the church growth ministry for close to 30 years said there are clear indications that many are getting tired and losing faith.

He said, “What I have seen in recent times shows that many are getting tired and weary. Some pastors who used to be fervent are growing cold. Some who used to stand for certain truths of the scriptures no longer believe in them. It has become so bad that people are now devising human methodologies to do ministry.”

The church growth enthusiast noted further that “it seems the crop of church leaders we have today have their heaven, not the heaven that we read in the Bible. If it is the Bible heaven, they won’t run church the way they are running it.”

He also noted that many think they can achieve church growth outside of the Bible. “People think when we talk about church growth, we are talking about something extraneous to the Bible. Some even think it’s a magical wand that would just catapult their church to the rooftop. Those who have that notion have been deceived.” he said.

Dr Francis Bola Akin-John

Human philosophy leads to frustration

He explained that there is nothing taught in church growth that cannot be grounded in the Bible. “God has blessed us with resources that are sourced directly from the scriptures on how to deal with every issue and sickness related to the church and church leaders.

“What we do in church growth is not just cooking up some human wisdom. Unfortunately, some people teach church growth but bring in human philosophy and gimmicks to help God in achieving growth. Any pastor who uses human philosophy to grow Church will get frustrated along the way.”

He said the way out of lukewarmness and confusion in ministry is for pastors to submit to regular training and fellowship with fellow preachers of the gospel. “That is a way to keep the fire burning. If we don’t submit to regular training and fellowship with co-laborers in God’s vineyard, we may end up being swept with the ungodly tide that is prevalent in today’s world.

“Because of distraction and pressure from the world, there is a tendency to relax and not follow the mind of God. We need to know how to stay in the will of God. Many churches are pretending all is well. But all is not well. God is not happy with the way His church is being run.” Akin-John stated

kinds of pastors

Dr. Francis Bola Akin-John

The September Conference

He said the September conference which will hold both online and on-site at the Growth House, 6/8 Mukadaz Close, Royal Estate, Iyana Odo, Lagos will expose church leaders to many critical issues in the Church.

“The conference is going to be a wake-up call for ministers of the gospel.  We can’t afford to run God’s church anyhow. He has told us what he wants in His word. There are no newer revelations. All we need to know about Church growth are found in the Bible. Jesus rebuked the churches in Revelation. That same warning is coming to us even now. It is now left for us to take heed and warn others. The word of God stands forever. Our concern at the conference will be to teach participants how to run a church in a healthy way.”



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