Home NEWS Elder Rasband and Elder Nielson Inspire and Instruct Missionaries in Kenya

Elder Rasband and Elder Nielson Inspire and Instruct Missionaries in Kenya

Elder Rasband and Elder Nielson Inspire and Instruct Missionaries in Kenya


Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles continued his ministry in Africa by meeting with full time Missionaries from the Kenya Nairobi Mission on August 16, 2023. Elder Rasband was accompanied by Elder Brent H. Nielson of the Presidency of the Seventy and by Elder Thierry K. Mutombo, First Counselor in the Africa Central Area of the Church. President David Sturt, President of the Kenya Nairobi Mission, conducted the meeting and he and Sister Stacie Sturt commenced the gathering by bearing their testimonies.

Ninety full time missionaries serving in or near Nairobi, Kenya were present in person and another 100 missionaries who serve in Kenya outside of Nairobi joined via the internet. Elder Mutombo told the missionaries that today is a day to remember because an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ is with them. He taught that healing the souls of the children of Christ is a key purpose of missionary service. Healing souls happens when people accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ, repent of their sins, and make sacred covenants.

Elder Nielson spoke of a full-time missionary force in the church now 65,000 missionaries strong and growing. These 65,000 missionaries, including the 190 missionaries presently in Kenya are collectively playing a role in 20,000 convert baptisms a month. “So,” Elder Nielson shared, “when someone asks you how many people you baptized the prior month, say ’20,000’ because you were a part of this great missionary success.”

Elder Rasband was the concluding speaker. Telling them that he wants to counsel with them and to suggest some things, he asked the elders and sisters to take notes as that is a good way for them to remember what they learned, and what they felt as they were taught by an Apostle of Jesus Christ. “Be a remember, remember missionary. Have this become a foundation for your life like the Book of Mormon is. One of the most often repeated phrases in the Book of Mormon is ‘Remember, remember.’ Today is a ‘Remember, remember’ day of your life.”

Elder Rasband told the missionaries that the prior Thursday he was with President Russell M. Nelson. President Nelson asked Elder Rasband to convey three things to the missionaries in Central Africa.

  • “First, he loves you.”
  • “Second, thank you for serving missions and thank you for being valiant youth.”
  • “Third, we (the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve) need you Elders and Sisters. We need you to build up the Church of Jesus Christ and bring souls to Jesus Christ. And we are going to need you when you go home. This is just the beginning of your training. We need you to absorb, learn, internalize the gospel here on your mission so that wherever you go you can go there and build up Zion. That will start with your own family. With the families you came from or the family you are going to create. That’s where you start building Zion is at home. Then you add blessings to this church.”

After sharing this “micro message” from President Nelson, Elder Rasband encouraged the missionaries saying, “The Lord is moving his spirit through Kenya missionaries. You are here at a most remarkable time. You are a part of the Lord’s harvest.”

Elder Rasband closed by exhorting and blessing the missionaries, “From today, go forward more determined, more committed, more like Jesus Christ. I am His servant. I bear you my witness I know that He lives. President Russell Nelson is His living mouthpiece here on the earth. I pray Heavenly Father now will bless your mission with continued success in every measurement. I pray that He will bless you individually. I pray Heavenly Father will bless you even if you are afflicted in some private way. May God bless you, strengthen you and Jesus Christ give you peace and comfort, like only He can. This is His church. This is His mission. An Apostle has come to Kenya. You go make sure that people know about it. And spread the good news of Jesus Christ.”

A tender part of Elder Rasband’s visit with the full-time missionaries was his personal greeting to each one of them. Missionaries lined up, and one by one, met an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. Elder Rasband asked of each his or her name, and where they are from. And then, after meeting each missionary, one by one, he let them know that a week before he had shaken the Prophet’s hand and told them, “Think about how close that puts you to the President of the church – one handshake away from God’s Prophet.”


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