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Top Religion Reads Around The World 🔌

Top Religion Reads Around The World 🔌


A welcome for ‘everyone’: Lisi, a veteran journalist who has reported on the Vatican for years, offers additional insight in his coverage of the synod’s opening day:

Pope Francis opened a meeting of bishops at the Vatican on Wednesday by warning that the Catholic church needs to put aside “political calculations or ideological battles” and welcome “everyone” to dialogue about the faith.

During the Mass at St. Peter’s Square, the pontiff said the church is a place of welcome for “everyone, everyone, everyone” ahead of a three-week series of meetings — part of a years-long process known as the Synod on Synodality — that has sparked hope of change among progressives and alarm by conservatives.

“We’re not here to create a parliament, but to walk together with the gaze of Jesus,” the pope added.

Everything you need to know: For those curious about the synod and the significance, check out this primer by Lisi.

Related coverage that caught my attention (I’ve provided gift links to the paywalled sites):

• ‘Two trains charging at each other’: A Texas bishop takes on the pope (Ruth Graham, New York Times)

• Pope Francis opens debate on LGBTQ inclusion, women’s ordination and celibacy (Francis X. Rocca, Wall Street Journal)

• In sequel to ‘green’ encyclical, pope urges rich to do their part to combat climate change (Claire Giangravé, Religion News Service)

• Conservative U.S. Catholics watch with dread as pope opens major meeting (Michelle Boorstein, Washington Post)

• German Cardinal Muller defies pope’s request for confidentiality at synod with EWTN interview (Christopher White, National Catholic Reporter)


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