Home NEWS Married people called to be pillars of unity, peace and love – Catholic Church News

Married people called to be pillars of unity, peace and love – Catholic Church News

Married people called to be pillars of unity, peace and love – Catholic Church News


By Quegas Mutale in Dete

Bishop Emeritus, Albert Serrano blesses the marriage of Crispen Ndlovu and Sekani Mile in Dete, Hwange Diocese

Bishop Emeritus of Hwange Diocese, Albert Serrano officiated the marriage of Crispen Ndlovu and Sekani Mile at St. Francis Xavier Mission in Dete on 14 October 2023 and called them to be pillars of unity, peace, love and justice in society.  

Relating to the wedding at Cana as presented in John 2:1-11, Bishop Serrano said that Jesus rejoices by welcoming those who commit themselves to the Church through the vocation of marriage. He emphasized that those who get married in church fulfill a wonderful expectation of the sacrament of matrimony.

“Your love should be a covenant. Bring love, peace, justice, and unity among the people. Be role models in your family and in your community. Be the light to the world and salt of the earth by living an exemplary life that attracts more people to God,”, Bishop Serrano told the couple.

The bishop advised all married people to stick to each other and to God, learning from Jesus who told his disciples to bear fruits and stick with Him regardless of circumstances.

 “Never doubt your vocation and your commitment to each other. God chose you to be husband and wife. Problems will come, you experienced them, but you succeeded, and you will succeed,” The Bishop said.

He said that marriage needs to be preserved as it is valuable. Bishop Serrano advised married people to protect their marriage and that they should become companions for life.

“The fact that you have chosen each other out of millions is not by chance but it is through divine providence and you should respect and protect your choice,” stressed Bishop Serrano.


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