Home NEWS Fundraising efforts bear fruit for St. James Kadoma Parish as they raise enough to procure a priest’s vehicle – Catholic Church News

Fundraising efforts bear fruit for St. James Kadoma Parish as they raise enough to procure a priest’s vehicle – Catholic Church News

Fundraising efforts bear fruit for St. James Kadoma Parish as they raise enough to procure a priest’s vehicle – Catholic Church News


By Sr. Mufaro Chakuinga LCBL

Missionary Childhood parading with junior police officers during a fundraising gala for the St. James the Greater Parish vehicle.

Hundreds of Catholics crowded at St. James the Greater Kadoma Parish on 23 April 2023 to support the fundraising gala towards the procurement of a parish vehicle. The parish’s dream came true as they met their target of $7000USD through donations and activity displays. The day was attended by Fr. Taurai Mashonganyika, who is the Parish Priest, religious men and women and parishioners from other parishes surrounding Kadoma.

St. James the Greater has over 3000 parishioners. The parish has been using a taxi to transport the priest for pastoral work while on other occasions he would be transported by well-wishers.  Among 14 centres, only three are close to the parish while the furthest centre is 96km away. This has resulted in the proceedings of parish fundraising.

The Missionary Childhood organised a mock presidential parade to entertain people and to fundraise for the vehicle. 19 children acted as “officers” in the parade followed by speeches from Missionary Childhood.

Talking to one of the parishioners from the furthest centre, he expressed his gratitude to the fundraising team for such an event and commented that their mass programmes would be resumed.

chitendero chedu chinosimbiswa nemuteuro wemisa zvinoreva kuti kana pasina muchovha hapana fata, kana pasina fata hapana misa. Tinotenda varuki vemutambo uyu kuti uchatiunzira muchovha wafata,’’ said one of the parishioners.

In his homily, Fr. Isaac Muzenda also applauded the parishioners for the initiative and encouraged everyone to participate in church activities particularly in fundraising activities that support pastoral work. He reminded people that the parish car would be of benefit to anyone in need of any sacrament through the presence of a priest.


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