
Take a look at what’s happening on the Christian Youth Development Program (CYPD)…

The program is hosted by Brunstad Christian Church South Africa (BCCSA), at the Stephanopark Conference Centre in Vanderbijlpark, South Africa. During the period from January to March 2023, the 23 participants on the program were composed of members of BCC Fellowships in Cameroon (2), Kenya (4), Malawi (1), Nigeria (2), South Africa (2), Tanzania (9) and Zimbabwe (3).

The CYDP is still forging ahead! In addition to the training already offered in skills such as construction, warehouse & inventory management, media, catering, administration and housekeeping, to name but a few, farming, first aid, workplace safety, and welding are new skills which have been included in the program.  

On CYDP the integration of participants into church life is an important part of the program. This is achieved by involving them in various church activities. During church services they form part of the music team and also assist the technical team with live-streaming for members of the congregation who cannot attend the services. The monthly conferences provide opportunities for them to gain experience in live linkups to BCC fellowships throughout Africa. By including them in the Brunstad Youth Club (BUK) sports teams, they practise and play various sports together and in this way they get to know the young people in the church. There are also language courses available which not only help to break down language barriers, but also assist with their understanding of the Bible and the sermons at church services.

However, the most important component of CYDP is the spiritual development and well-being of participants.  CYPD participants attend weekly Bible studies whereat discussions and questions are encouraged, and this has proved to be an invaluable help in their understanding of the Bible. They also attend church services twice a week, weekly youth services, monthly conferences and any other church events that take place.  The aim of the spiritual development of participants is so that they come to know and understand God’s Word, which enables them to apply it in a practical way in their daily lives.

Feedback from several CYPD participants reveals how life changing this program is for them:

Sochima Ekeocha (Nigeria):

I am being trained in media and administration. So far in media I have learnt about AC recording/editing, photography and music videos. In administration I have learnt about scheduling, planning and organising; and my typing skills and use of Excel have improved.

It has been interesting, fun and good working together with the team who are very willing to train and help us. I have also been able to use the photography skills I have gained to assist during events. Learning to take responsibility has helped in my all-round development. 

Simon Mahega (Tanzania):

I have learned a lot since I joined the CYDP.  Everything I have learnt has benefitted me far more than I expected. The managers and supervisors are doing such a good job to make sure that I learn and understand what I am doing. 

I started by learning to make paving blocks and how to lay paving. Then I moved on to farming – learning how to build a greenhouse; make compost; grow vegetables; experiment with growing different crops; as well as learning how to package the vegetables properly for sale. I have learned how to make a chicken coop and to take care of chickens. Now I am learning welding and how to work with metal and wood – making tables etc.

On this program I have also learnt about patience, humility, time management, interpersonal skills, communication and accepting other people’s cultures. I feel I am growing spiritually and benefit from the church services, youth camps and events.

Martine Onyango (Kenya):

I first received training in farming. It was very interesting learning about timing – which seasons are suitable for which crops and keeping records about planting dates and weather patterns. I have also learnt problem solving skills and choosing the best ways to boost production; pest and weed control; and the maintenance of farm structures, tools and equipment.

My training in construction included taking measurements; ground levelling; ground checks and tests and reading building codes on building plans. I have learnt about leadership and teamwork; taking, following and giving instructions as well as work-site management. Learning about personal protective equipment (PPE) and first aid has also been interesting and helpful.

Rainy Daughter Odera (Kenya):

I have really learnt a lot of skills and gained so much spiritually – how to live a righteous life which helps me and those around me. The Bible study “Sermon on the Mount” (SOTM), which we have recently completed, has taught me to lead a godly life and grow up to be a righteous young person who takes heed to God’s Word. I am so thankful for the SOTM Bible study because I have also learnt to be quick to forgive others.

Being on the CYDP has been such a great experience for me!

The post WHAT’S NEW ON THE CYDP?! appeared first on Brunstad Christian Church in Africa.


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